sophie monk

News and Gossip
Tiffani Wood Music
LA Career Pictures
Sophie at the 2003 Car Show
calendar girl
Sophie at Awards.
News and Gossip
Pictures of Sophie and the Bardot galz!

Here's the scoop...


  • 2006: February
    Sophie will be featured in this month's issue of GQ Magazine.

  • Date Movie out in Australia Febuary 16. Be sure to head to your local cinema and check out Sophie on the big screen. This is not to be missed.

  • It is rumoured that Adam Sandler was extremely impressed with Sophie and her work in the film 'Click' that he wants her to star in another one of his films.
  • Sophie has signed a three movie deal with Fox in the US. This means three more major movies with Sophie in them.
  • Around the filming of 'Click' Sophie for the past two months has recorded Five new songs for her planned new album.
  • Sophie is featured in the 29th October issue of the New Idea. It is a two page story. It talks about sophie's LA success and how she has made a music demo which is getting alot of interest from record companies. The article features exclusive pictures of the movie 'Click' and of Sophie's appartment in LA.
  • Sophie will be performing live at AQR this saturday October the 29th. 
  • Sophie was one of many co hosts at this years Aria awards. Sophie presented two awards and spoke about her flim 'Click' Sophie looked amazing on the night and did a great job. It was great to hear and see Sophie. Go to the section of this website titled sophie at awards to see the pictures of sophie at the ARIAS THIS YEAR.
  • Filming for 'Click' has wrapped up. It is now in post production.
  • Sophie Monk has landed herself a major role in a US film alongside Adam Sandler and David Hasselhoff. The movie is called 'Click' and is about a guy that can rewind to moments of his life with his remote. It is due for release in 2006.
  • More news has come through on Sophie's role in the romantic comedy movie. The movie will be released in cinemas on valentines day 2006. Sophie has one of the major roles. Sophie tries to break up all the couples within the movie. I can't wait how cool will it be when sophie promotes her role and movie. Keep tuned.
  • Sophie has landed a role in a new romantic comedy movie. Where it is reported she will play the ultimate bitch. The directors of the movie that sophie is in were behind such a movie as Scary Movie. Sophie will be acting alongside actors such as Owen Wilson. Filming begins soon GOOD LUCK SOPHIE!
  • Sophie had a double page article in the june 11 issue of  New Idea. The article was titled Sophie's Choice. The article discussed Sophie's move to LA and to what she has been getting up to. It talked about some of her success's, in acting and also the overall good time sophie is having in LA. Sophie also discussed how she doesn't plan to live in LA forever. She said she will give it a year and that she is constantly on the look out for gigs in Australia.
  • Sophie has really made her presence known in LA. Sophie has been partying with the likes of Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Ritchy and Tara Reid.
  • Sophie is waiting to hear back from two new movie roles. One is in a horror movie. Fingers crossed.
  • Sophie recently had a interview on the Kyle & Jackie O show. Sophie had a long chat with them. Talking about her move to LA . Sophie has been going to alot of auditions. Sophie landd a role in a film called 'London' Sophie also starred in a pilot comedy sitcom called 'Pool Guys' Sophie played a character called Janet. Sophie said that she has rented a loft and is enjoying her time in LA. She jokingly spoke about how she has a few minor car accidets over in LA.
  • Sophie in this years FHM poll scored the 28th position out of 100. That is a excellent result as many celebs didn't get a position.
  • OK every1 it is that time of the year again when FHM has there poll to see who we the public think is the sexiest girl in the world.... its sophie monk of course so to show our support for sophie ie to let soph's no we still care and think she is gr8 we have to VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! at  please vote lets get sophie to #1!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Just because sophie is in LA don't feel she has gone and there is nothing to talk about... it is quite the opposite... so be sure to join the official forum for all the goss and to share convos with like minded ppl!
  • Sophie has made the move to LA in persuit of her up and coming acting career. Sophie is in talks with producers to star in a movie. Filming is believed to begin soon.
  • "I thought i was going to die" - sophie monk.Sophie has a exclusive interview in this weeks Womans sale now. It talks about her weight loss, logies colapse and relationship break up.It is on sale now featuring sophie on the front cover.
  • A BIG ASK TO YOU GUYS there is a forum for sophie its it's a great forum on sophie and it would be great if you all could join :)
  • Sophie's movie that has aired on pay tv will soon be seen on free to air tv. I will let you all know the dates,channel ect when I hear more.



    Sophies debut solo album is out NOW! "calendar girl" is the title a gr8 album with every song as good as the other. Sophie has excelled herself with this one. Idefinently recommend it.

    Calendar girl the debut pop album by sophie monk is one of magic. the album dose all the right things .Every song as good as the other including the gold selling inside outside and the current smash get the music on which is currently on sale. This album is a must have if you aren't a fan you will be after getting this album! CALENDAR GIRL OUT NOW!! 


    Contributed by Willis


    • Listen out to Kyle & Jackie O in the mornings on 2Day FM in Sydney - Sophie is a frequent guest on the show, chatting about what she's up to! So if you want to hear the lattest on our Sophie and keep in the know how then tune in. Sophie is sure to have some hillarius tales.
    • "Calender girl" sophies debut album is out now!





    Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!